...or are even accountable for the money they bring in vs. the money that actually reaches those for whom the charities are set up. If they operate like most of these kinds of charities, less than 15% of the money donated will ever reach the intended victims of Katrina.
A Grim End To 2004.
The word tsunami is Japanese, from tsu (harbour) and nami (wave). It is the term given to a wave which occurs after an earthquake or volcanic eruption or landslide under the oceans beds. These waves can be confused with tidal waves which are simply driven by the tide and wind. A tsunami is so deadly because the waves are not preceded by rough seas and gales or weather conditions which might alert people. We do have technology in place which can give warnings, but sadly the measures were not taken in the area affected by this disaster.
It looks like the final death toll from the Boxing Day Earthquake and resulting tsunami will come close to 200,000 victims. Right now Reuters is stating 125,000 have perished. The figure rises by the hour. The numbers are hard to comprehend, yet, if truth be told, it's just the latest in a series of natural disasters which inevitably occur each year. Though many of these disasters cannot be predicted - we know with certainty that every year will bring a number of natural disasters, and therefore it would make sense to both take measures of detection and warning, and also to have on hand some collective effort which might see nations use the same organisational skills in dropping bombs to drop food and water and medicines instead. It is ironic that nature, or the geophysics of the Earth has wiped out as many people in an event which happened in a couple of hours as the USA and UK have in over 18 months of deliberate destruction over in Iraq.
As usual, the politicians will act humbled, as if death is a terrible thing they would not ever wish upon poor innocent people. But if the money spent on military expenditure was instead diverted to humanitarian aid, this disaster would never have taken so many lives. The earthquake and subsequent waves would have happened, but the resulting death toll would not be as high. How many lives could have been saved can be seen by witness accounts and video of the waves coming in.