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Quick post from Houston

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benito Donating Member (772 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 09:53 AM
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Quick post from Houston
Good morning.
Saturday, drove from Lafayette to Houston. Crowley had people on just about every intersection. Signs reading 'IT COULD HAVE BEEN US' and 'Please Help'. Very cool of our nighbors to the west.

Stopped at the Orange, TX visitors bureau right inside the state line. UN-FRIGGIN-BELIEVABLE!
50 or so portable restrooms, about 20 volunteers, enough water for a LOT of people, gas cans, food and snacks. Spoke to the volunteers and they told stories told to them from children of New Orleans. A child had scrapes and bruises on his little hands. The kid told him that they were in the attic and wanted out. The kid found an iron, and used the point of the iron to hack and beat a hole in the roof. Story after story was being told.

The drive from Orange to Beaumont and farther was ALL Louisiana plates. One TX plate for 20 LA plates. I passed a schoolbus from Lafayette that was full of people. The TXDOT has signs on the interstate that said to 'divert bus from Houston to Dallas/San Antonio.'

Everywhere in Houston are signs asking for people to donate to the relief fund.

This morning on the local news, they said busses are being rerouted to Arkansas. I can only assume for now that TX has reached it's limit.

"It could have been us". I've heard this phrase numerous times over the past 2 days. Louisiana West, we thank you for all your help!

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mom cat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 09:58 AM
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1. Thanks for all that you are doing...Keep us posted. Nominated
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GOPFighter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 10:00 AM
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2. I can't begin to express my admiration for Texans!
I've said many bad things about Texans in my life, but the kindness and genrosity of Texans (especially in Houston) has been awesome. Texans ROCK!
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kedrys Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 10:15 AM
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5. We have to...those people are human beings facing the apocalypse
and each person is important.

The s.o. and I are planning on putting in some volunteer time today and tomorrow. We're also making a few small donations (we're broke, but this is more important), and I really wish we could offer shelter to someone.

Our mayor, Bill White, opened up two convention centers, telling the event coordinators for cancelled events to "go ahead, sue the city. Go file the paperwork right now, I don't care". He also asked pharmacies and other stores to put evacuees' purchases on the city tab so everyone can get what they need.

I worked for Bill White during his campaign, and I've never been more proud of a local official.
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patdem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 10:06 AM
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3. What a great response for those poor poor people. Sort of like comming
home from a war? Thanks for that heartwarming story! :hug:
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IndyOp Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 10:11 AM
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4. Benito - many, many thanks I say with tears in my eyes once again -
It could have been us -- pray, pray that every citizen of the US comes to feel this in their gut --

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benito Donating Member (772 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 08:27 PM
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6. I'm back home now
Going through the photos I took. Will post some pics shortly.

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