If you lost faith after reading Armstrong and Mendoza then you can understand why it stinks to have a last name that starts with Z. But I really encourage you to check it out.
http://www.votefordan.netThe places that I urge you to read are my issues page and my letter to Democrats. But here are some reasons why I believe that you should
vote for me.
1) I am the only candidate in this race that has made Coastal Restoration his top priority. See my issues page for why that is important.
2) As a fiscally conservative Democrat, I believe I would be the most likely of the Democrats to be able to defeat Jindal in a runoff. I will give people a reason to come to me after I rip Jindal's record to shreds. Read my letter to Democrats to see why we need to examine the political realities of District One when casting our votes.
3) I am the only candidate to have run any sort of radio advertising. Jerry Watts is also running some ads in the final days. But I may have more name recognition because of the ads that I have already run.
There are a lot of people in the District who think as you do. They believe that it seems unlikely to deprive Jindal of 50%. But imagine if all of those people just got up and voted. Each vote would make it THAT much harder for Jindal to gain the simple majority.
Every Democrat in our district has to get out there. Call, e-mail, and speak to every person that you know. If they already support Jindal, send them to my challenge page (
http://www.votefordan.net/challenge.html) to see the reasons why Bobby Jindal's record is not as strong as his spin machine has made it seem. If they do not support Jindal, explain to them that we do not need to get 1st place in this race. If we can drive Jindal under 50%, then we only need to get 2nd place. This could be done with only less than 15% of the vote!
If you have any questions at all, please contact me ASAP. I need all the support I can get in the last couple of days. So lets get out the vote and make a difference!