Right now we have the 2nd and the 3rd. From what I have seen so far, Melancon is incredibly popular and easily beats his most formidable possible challenger, Craig Romero.
Bill Jefferson is facing corruption charges, but the 2nd votes for a Dem no matter what, so it will either be Jefferson or another Dem (preferably another Dem and one with more spine than Jefferson).
And the rest...
The 7th district is obviously the most likely pickup, considering that until 2004, it has been held by a Dem since the civil war. Also, Boustany's recent comments make him look like an idiot.
So... what is left?
The first district is pretty much out of the question. This is a district that has large white suburban population. Even if we ran a socially liberal pro-Republican fiscal policy (I refuse to say fiscally conservative, because Republicans aren't fiscally conservative) Democrat, it would still be extremely difficult. Unless we find a Louisiana equivalent of Paul Hackett, dems don't stand a chance in the 1st.
Then there's the 4th, 5th, and 6th. Let's start with the 5th. The 5th is represented by Rodney Alexander who was elected as a Zell Miller type DINO and then switched parties right before the deadline in 2004, so that he would be guaranteed a safe seat. Before that, the district was represented by GOP nutball John Cooksey who left to challenge Mary Landrieu for the Senate and didn't even get close in the runoff. I don't know how Alexander polls exactly, but Bush fatigue is certainly setting in. If a good dem steps up to challenge Alexander, can he be taken down?
Now, for the 4th and 6th. Both of these districts voted for Bush in 2000 by about 12 points or so. The 4th contrains the very Republican city of Shreveport, so I don't know how possible this district is. The 6th contains Baton Rouge, which is supposed to be the only other liberal bastion in the state besides New Orleans. Here's the thing about Baton Rouge, though. Many Katrina refugees have moved there and some are staying parmanently. If Baker retires or recieves a formidable challenger, could this one be in play?
What are everyone's thoughts.