Here's the email I sent them about tonight's ten o'clock newscast:
Thought you should know how transparent the Right-wing bias of your newscast was tonight. If the intent is to propagandize, perhaps your newswriters ought to be told that to propagandize in America subtlety is required. Americans are too smart to accept the kind of forcefeeding you tried to pull off tonight.
First, there was your teaser telling us that celebs at a Kerry fundraiser had misbehaved (when, as it later turned out in your Fox News-like report, there was nothing out of the ordinary about what anyone said there) . Then you failed to allow opponents of the gay marriage ban to speak in your report on the amendment. You just let the bigots prattle on and on and showed a ridiculous online poll as though it settled every question.
Then there was the way you depicted the Senate's report on the WMDs error in Iraq. You said it was a bipartisan report, but failed to account for the press conference at which two leading senate Democrats dissented. You failed also to tell your audience the committee that wrote the report was chaired by Republicans and that the Republican leadership chose the Democrats who were put on the committee.
I guess I now have it confirmed where I can go for the Right-wing local take on the news. Can't say that's what we need. If we want the Right's version, all we need to do is turn on the radio talk-shows. They already provide it to us.
Don't you think we deserve better from you?