Edited on Sat Nov-05-05 12:04 PM by ...of J.Temperance
Did win Livingston Parish. David Vitter would have lost in a run-off, Chris John would have beaten him. It was a stupid situation John Kennedy and Arthur Morrell staying in, they should have pulled out way before November 2nd and let John and Vitter slug it out, combined John, Kennedy and Morrel got 47%...Chris John would have got the 50% plus 1 had it of been just him running for us against Vitter.
Kathleen Blanco beat Jindal by 54,874 votes, Jindal's district is in a full-on nutjob area. I personally don't think he can get enough white support to win statewide, he did rather poorly in the Northern part of the state, and he only won 12 Parishes...4 of which we can flip if we pad them out with the NOLA black evacuees that are being cared for in those Parishes.
The full result was: Blanco, 731,358 and Jindal, 676,484.
This might bore you, I hope not though ;)
Jindal won:
Ascension by 16,272 to Blanco's 13,733 Bossier by 15,331 to Blanco's 9,051 * East Baton Rouge by 70,547 to Blanco's 62,638 * Jefferson by 87,712 to Blanco's 52,319 Lafayette by 34,951 to Blanco's 32,734 * Livingston by 17,812 to Blanco's 13,451 Ouachita by 22,491 to Blanco's 20,194 * Plaquemines by 5,645 to Blanco's 4,956 Sabine by 3,140 to Blanco's 3,058 St. Bernard by 14,428 to Blanco's 10,574 St. Charles by 10,727 to Blanco's 7,900 St. Tammany by 49,675 to Blanco's 17,067
The Parishes we can flip have the * symbol next to them. The larger Parishes there: Bossier, East Baton Rouge and Lafayette have a new concentration of evacuated NOLA black voters. Between early 2006 and mid-2006, the decision needs to be made whether these NOLA voters are going to be allowed to vote again in Orleans Parish or not. If NOT, then the SoS Al Ater needs to get them re-registered to vote in Bossier, East Baton Rouge and Lafayette. Ouachita Parish, Jindal won by 2,297 votes over Blanco...this is a Parish we can definately flip in the next election.
Ouachita voted on racial lines. The October 2003 Ouachita vote for Attorney-General was:
Charles Foti Jr. 14,851 - Suzanne Haik Terrell, 24,001
Look at how well Kathleen Blanco out-performed fellow Democrat Foti Jr. and GAINED votes, look also that Bobby Jindal LOST votes on Terrell's performance in that race.
I'm standing by my prediction that Jindal cannot win a major statewide office like Governor.
Sorry this was so very long, but I needed to put the raw numbers in and whatnot.
On Edit: I hope that SOME people at least take something of value to think about from this post of mine. My post wasn't straightforward to do, I had to go through rather a lot of my notes from October 2003 and November 2003.