Yesterday, I emailed KEUN to thank them for carrying AAR, which I listen to on my car radio every time I am in the car. I have a nice, Air America Radio bumper sticker on the back of my car, and Monday, when I was getting gas in Kaplan, a pick-up pulled up to the gas tanks beside my car, and the guy in the truck turned his radio to Rush, just blasting me with that idiot. I know they had seen my bumper sticker and were trying to make me mad (I ignored them, but gritted my teeth.) They didn't get gas at all, but only left after I paid and drove off.
Anyhooooo, I started thinking how great it was to have an actual AAR station in these backwoods, so emailed KEUN yesterday. I heard back this morning; here is the response:
Ann, Thanks for support. The nasty comments far outweigh the good. It is nice to receive a nice comment.
Dave Graichen
This Dave-guy's email address is daveg@KEUNworldwide.com
In case you haven't listened yet, this station is located in Eunice, LA, and is 1490AM. Even if you don't listen to the station because you don't live in the area, please email anyway, just pretend you listen!! I would be SO upset if AAR was discontinued on KEUN!