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N.O. doomed to sink, expert tells TV show.

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Thom Little Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-21-05 07:19 AM
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N.O. doomed to sink, expert tells TV show.
Although state officials asked the CBS TV show "60 Minutes" to postpone Sunday's segment highlighting a scientist's allegations that New Orleans is sinking and that residents should be induced to leave the city, the piece aired anyway.

Tim Kusky, a professor in the earth sciences department at St. Louis University, said on the show that New Orleans residents should "face the fact that their city will be below sea level in 90 years."

He also recommended a "gradual pullout from the city, whose slow, steady slide into the sea was sped up enormously by Hurricane Katrina," according to a preview of the program.

In a letter to "60 Minutes" correspondent Scott Pelley, Andy Kopplin, the executive director of the Louisiana Recovery Authority created by Gov. Kathleen Blanco, said he was "disappointed" that Kusky was the only scientist featured in the broadcast.
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KamaAina Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-21-05 01:26 PM
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1. Actually Kopplin could just as easily have said
he was "disappointed" that no scientists were featured in the broadcast! What a moran is this Kusky! News flash: much of N.O. is already below sea level...

The hell of it is, much of the rest of it didn't suck. When you think about it, Lower Nine is really a shining example of the "ownership society" so beloved of King Dumbass**. Wonder why he's not getting off his Segway to help them out? Hmmm.....
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