((damn, isn't there anyone we can get to run against Boustany??))
http://www.acadiananow.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051201/NEWS01/51201001&SearchID=73228350185069Chris John says he won't run for Congress in 2006
Bill Decker
Former U.S. Rep. Chris John, D-Crowley, says he won't be a candidate next year for his old congressional seat in the 7th District, which he left in 2004 to run for the U.S. Senate.
John, who represented the district for four two-year terms, was the strongest potential challenger for incumbent Charles Boustany, the Lafayette Republican who won in the 7th District when John left the seat after the 2004 elections.
Boustany was in Cameron Parish today for meetings about hurricane recovery, spokeswoman Amy Jones said.
"These past few months, our focus has not been politics," Jones said.
Boustany said he wishes John well, Jones said. But Boustany also wants to provide "more strong leadership for the 7th District and the people of southwest Louisiana for years to come."