"John Kerry didn't resign from the senate when he ran for President. Joe Leiberman not only ran for Vice President, but also ran for re election to his Senate seat at the same time."
There is a big difference between Kerry and Leiberman running and Jindal and Vitter running. Leiberman and Kerry didnt have to worry about rebuilding from one of the biggest natural disasters in their states history. Both Jindal and Vitter did.
"As far as wanting to run for governor, maybe they feel it is to the benefit of the state if they could be governor and help rebuild New Orleans and actually most of South Louisiana."
So in the meanwhile, as they campaign, they will be ignoring their jobs in Congress to get another job here. The first couple years after Katrina is going to be the most crucial. We are going to need ACTIVE voices in Congress working for us.... not people who are wasting two seats as they push for their own political gain. It is disgusting.