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Republicans About Politics First, People second, or third or never

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BRLIB Donating Member (347 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-05-06 04:50 AM
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Republicans About Politics First, People second, or third or never
Blame Democrats as usual....
Republicans Ready to Usher in "Golden New Era" Louisiana

"Just two days away from the start of the special legislative session, Republicans in town gearing up for the big event aren't just thinking about levee protection and housing needs.

Saturday at the Republican State Central Committee Meeting, Republicans said now is the opportunity for a golden new era, saying their party's momentum picked up significantly long before Hurricane Katrina displaced thousands of Democratic voters across the country and destroyed its fundraising base in New Orleans.

Republicans point to 2004 when voters here help re-elect President Bush, and voted in Louisiana's first Republican U.S. Senator since reconstruction.

For those Republicans packed inside the state central meeting, the theme for 2006 appears to be one of second victories, and strong ones at that. The entire Louisiana GOP state central committe, from the vice-chairman, to the treasurer, to the secretary, even the chairman Roger Villere, all won re-election easily.

But it's trying to make the political comeback by winning back the state in the new Katrina world that's at the forefront for Louisiana Republicans. " ...................................
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markus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-05-06 07:33 AM
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1. Yes, they want to profit from your suffering
would be my initial reaction to all this.

This isn't something a smart person would want to get out of the room. "Look, we got rid of all the nigra's and their librul friends! We're No. 1! We're No. 1!"

The answering statement/press release practially wants to leap off my fingers and into the keyboard.

It's, well, unseemly.

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