Why might people for for a Democrat in 2006?
Well, we are the party of the people. The Republicans are the party of big business. After Katrina, Republicans allowed their friends in big business to make money off of the tragedy... all while people suffered waiting for federal aid.
The Republicans corruption will feed right into an effective campaign.
Also, Jindal is obviously running for Governor in 2007. We need a full time Congressman so close to Katrina. We need a congressman who will spend all of his time working to rebuild Louisiana... not someone who will focus on his own political goals. Jindal will get paid $100K+ in 2007 from the Federal Government to run for governor if he wins in 2006.
However, Tallitsch is not the answer. Why? Because he does not speak for the Democratic Party. He is way too anti-religion to be an effective choice in LA01.
You can view my 2004 Campaign Website at
http://www.votefordan.net/campaign2004/In order to win in 2006 we will not only need someone who can point out why Bobby Jindal is the wrong choice. We also need someone who the voters in the district will embrace and vote for. Stacey Tallitsch will alienate people of faith from the party and will make it easier for Jindal to take the district in 2006.. making it much easier to win the Governors race in 2007.
I dont want to run for this race if I cannot raise the funds to run an effective campaign. I would need 20,000 people donating $50 each to get $1,000,000. That would be enough to effectively combat Jindal.
If you want to help, contact me. I also have a contribution page for testing the waters...
http://contribute.votefordan.net donations will be used to pay off past debts and test the waters in this election. IF I can raise enough money to run an effective campain then I will run. That is a BIG if. But money is a necessary evil in elections.