This came in my 'freeuse' mail.Anybody in EBP interested?
" I'm an elections commissioner in southeast Baton Rouge, and several weeks ago I got a letter from the Clerk Of Court's Office asking me to ask my family, friends, and neighbors if anyone is interested in serving as an elections commissioner in East Baton Rouge Parish. Over the past two years, the number of available commissioners to work elections has dropped, which makes it difficult to ensure that there are enough workers at each precinct on election days.
I've been a commissioner for six years, and it is a rewarding experience. Not only have I witnessed "democracy in action," but I've also met many of the people in my neighborhood at the polls. Although it is a long work day (5:30 am to 8:30 pm) you do get paid for it ($100) and most of the work is sedentary.
Commissioners need to be at least 18 years of age and registered to vote in East Baton Rouge Parish. They also need to attend a one- night training class in August, and should have never been convicted of an elections-related offense.
If you are interested in becoming a commissioner, call the Clerk of Court's Office at 295-4765, or email the Elections division at rcannon@ebrclerkofcourt.org
I'm also happy to answer any questions anyone might have about serving as a commissioner - I'm at pickoutyourcloud@yahoo.com "
Thanks, Tara Guidry