that WRNO. The music moves up-dial, just like it did out here last year. long-delayed format switch from classic rock to news-talk at WRNO FM-99.5 happened Monday just before 4 a.m....
Failed mayoral candidate Rob Couhig ( :puke: -Ed.)
and former WKZN-FM deejay Bo Walker were the early-morning hosts....
Advance news of WRNO's impending flip is one likely motivation for WWL's newfound multiplicity....
Last week, Entercom killed the leftward-leaning Air America syndicated talk network at WSMB AM-1350 in favor of time-shifted reruns of local WWL talk shows.So that little mystery's solved -- but what's to prevent the conglomerates from doing this to their AAR and other progressive affiliates anywhere there's talk competition? :shrug: Makes sense to me: more RW talk coming, so let's drop all our progressive talk! :sarcasm: