I read that something like 40 state gov's are sending state jobs to India etc.
Is La one ?
Outsourcing is a top vote-getter, i say.
"Your job CAN be outsourced. Surgeon in australia did surgery here by robotic hands." --My summary of the issue. -- another good line "16 in the Third World waiting to grab your outsourced job. Ban it, vote Democratic." {300 million here vs. 4,800 million in Third World}
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ====================== Kerry personal page , for volunteers at his main site, has no way for me to enter anything. So, how is it a personal page? I cant even add my addy.
----the first post right here has a kerry La page. One has to register merely to view the posts and see if it is worth registering for. Bad choice by some programmer. we need more people-friendly , aka PEON-friendly people in the top ranks of both DNC and kerry groups. At least as far as their site design goes.
I add, the dems programs are centuries ahead of the republican trilobites, who are distant ancestors of the protoprimates, and ancestor of the cave men we all know. Repub types are amazing in that they can walk upright . Sweep them all from office.