*** We are way up in MN but are with you in spirt, Jena 6, and also with your friends and families. I wish we could be there and hope you feel our love. I saw your story on Democracy Now, have been spreading the word of your story ever since and watching updates. there is a group of us at work that will be wearing black in solidarity. We have been praying for all the Jena 6 release, and the healing of your souls from this injustice. I hope the horrible thing that has been done to all of you wakes up other to take action of injustice in their own communites and to end racism.
And to you, town of Jena, we know there are good people there both black.. white.. and everyother color, and hope the march on Jena gives you strength to continue to challenge and stand up to racism and injustice. I hope th good people of all backgrounds can stand arm in arm and say NO MORE to the hate filled, ignorant racists.
Hope someone can get the Gov. Blanco to speak out against this horrible injustice.