Check out The Advocate article which spotlights him and Governor Blanco (notice the subtle promotion of Jindal to the same level as Blanco implicit in the title) 'Blanco, Jindal rap Bush SCHIP veto' other candidate for governor is even asked about whether they support SCHIP!
According to the article, Jindal is ready to go vote to overturn the Bush veto. He will save us! The top of the web page has a "Friends of Bobby Jindal" ad. Has the Advocate been bought by him? I would contact them and the reporter to see why he is getting top billing.
Sounds to me like he is using his representative job to bolster his race for Governor, and the Advocate is played for the fool.
Just like all Republicans, he touts a popular stand only because he is running for election/re-election.
What are Mr. Jindal's true views on SCHIP? Apparently he has none until now.
He was absent when SCHIP was reauthorized: if it did not come up again after Bush's veto he would not care, as he was absent "On "Postponing to a Date Certain", to bring it up again to try to overturn the veto: does have a record on another bill affecting children which he voted AGAINST, the "Children's Health and Medicare Protection Act of 2007", which passed 225-204: what about hurricane ravaged Louisiana, which could certainly benefit from the "Flood Insurance Reform and Modernization Act of 2007"?
Again he was absent, too busy running for governor: truth is clear.
Piyush Jindal, trying to fool us so he can get elected!