Four were AWOL, including Piyush: for the record this WAS a bipartisan compromise, so lies to the contrary, don't believe the lying media.
Now you can attend the debate, and Boasso can take down the cardboard Jindal replica for this one.
In the words of Charles RE Jindal's dismal record on Veterans support from:"Charles, on October 17th, 2007 at 2:44 pm Said:
Now Louisiana has its second chance to decisively reject Bobby Jindal with his
revealing record of sycophantic slavery to the Bush Administration’s heartless
regime. Spend the nation into bankruptcy in the oil wars, but cringe at the
spending to care for the wounded. If we had a ceremonial governor, Bobby would
be perfect. He gets straight As for posturing and for lying with a straight
face. In the school of career politicians he is now Professor Jindal, but he has
little concern for the needs of the people he serves and he needs more seasoning
before his is capable of such great endeavors."