If Jindal gets 50% + 1 vote he wins outright in the primary. If not there is a run-off. No matter who the other votes go to! So this is your opportunity to vote for any "No-J" candidate!
If there is a runoff you may then have to compromise.
A site I just found today, it has tons of info on J's votes (when he showed up), campaign contributions,
and history:
http://cenlamar.wordpress.com/The amount of money I've read about going to Jindal is staggering.
In particular, the avoidance of limits by the use of LLCs appears to violate the law. $500,000 went to the Jindal campaign from a group of 100 LLCs controlled by 28 individuals or companies. "The use of multiple LLCs controlled by these individuals or companies has enabled them to contribute more to Jindal's campaign than the $5,000 limit on contributions set in the CFDA." For example, "Boysie Bollinger made contributions to the LCRM through 19 LLCs he controlled. If the kind of multiple maxing found in Jindal's reports is legal, then Bollinger could theoretically give a candidate for statewide office $95,000, or $5,000 for every LLC he controls."
That's why we need public financing of elections!
No J!
No J!
No J!