Last night, many local CBS affiliates, all over this country had sudden "transmission" problems, for a variety of reasons. We all know the reason for this censorship. As citizens, we have the right to equal access to the airwaves. As citizens, we should not let corporate wingers decide for us what we should watch, hear or read. We pay for our TV cable service, or our TV satellite service, and should not be denied what we pay for. When irate citizens phoned WAFB to complain, they were rudely treated. Will we just let them get away with this censorship? Please take a minute to email Mary Landieu and John Breaux about WAFB. Go to congress.org, and find Mary's and John's websites, go there and email them to ask them to personally look into WAFB's outrageous behavior! "Personal concern" by our US senators may deter WAFB from continuing to protect us from anti-bush information, for our own good, of course. Thanks!