Fellow DUers, Cheney is coming to our town Friday (tomorrow) to endorse one of our local candidates for state legislature with a high-priced plate dinner. Our local Dems for Kerry group has called a press conference (among other planned activities), and I had this email in my mail early this morning. I know that most of the info needed is local to Louisiana, but you guys are such experts that I thought maybe if you do not work during the day, you could help out????? We are a small group, and this seems a BIG task. Please send any info uncovered to me as DU mail, and I will get it to Stephen (don't want to give Stephen's email addy here because of freepers.) (As an aside, our Kerry headquarters in Lafayette, LA has been broken into twice, and thoroughly trashed, and all of our signs, and materials stolen. Police are doing what they can (?)) Thank you very much if you can help our little group! Scroll down:
Greetings All,
I AM IN URGENT need of some RESEARCH - FACTS AND FIGURES on the following topics...
SUGAR CANE (Feel free to use this week's TIMES - front page article) - How much is CAFTA hurting Louisiana's Sugar Farmers? How much Sugar is projected to be imported from South America?
Assault Weapons Ban What did BUSH do about this - was he quoted saying ANYTHING about this ban expiring? What are POLICE officers saying about this? Are there any CRIME STATISTICS that prove this should have been Extended?
No Child Left Behind How has this UNFUNDED MANDATE hurt LOUISIANA SCHOOLS? Could lack of FEDERAL FUNDING contributed to OUR CHILDREN BEING left behind with NO BUS SERVICE?
LA Charity Hospital System What FEDERAL Dollars does this program receive and has it been cut in the past 4 years? What FEDERAL CUTS have we had to endure as a state RE: Medical Coverage/Assistance (Claude??)
Halliburton How much RICE did Halliburton Purchase and from whom for their CONTRACT in IRAQ (Monisha?) What Percentage of Halliburton's revenue comes from the USA? How much as the USA paid HALIBURTON in the form of it's NO BID CONTRACTS? List some examples of OVER PRICED items with Halliburton
ANY OTHER suggestions you have that will show how BUSH/CHENEY is NOT good for LOUISIANA and that they are COSTING us more and we are getting little back.
We are putting together a PRESS CONFRENCE for CHENEY's visit, that will counter the repub press conference... And I really need the help on the above items... If you could let me know when you are working on a certain title/topic that will help... I REALLY need all of this by NOON TOMORROW if at all possible and if we are to be successful. PLEASE help in any way you can... And let me know...
WITH ALL THE INFORMATION - I need it to be footnoted - attach the hyperlink to the NEWSPAPER or the PENTAGON or whatever site you find with the information on it for us to foot note this for the reporters... Last thing we want to do is quote something wrong...
PLEASE HELP anyway you can... This is SO VERY IMPORTANT - the REPUBLICANS ARE ATTACKING US HARD in the coming weeks... We must stand up and say we are NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE and we have the FACTS on our side...
Let me know... And thanks...
Sites that will help... www.centerforamericanprogress.com Any and all BIG NEWSPAPERS - GOOGLE YOUR BUTTS OFF!
____________________________________ Stephen G. District 5 Rep / Webmaster Lafayette Parish DEC www.LafayetteDemocrats.org