The sad truth is: the people of Louisiana will just vote to approve whatever number of amendments it takes to successfully ban gay marriage. I'm pretty sure it wasn't legal in the first place so it seems like a bit of a distraction to me. They'll simply rewrite it into 2-4 new amendments and the people will overwhelmingly support it :(
As far as the Vitter thing goes, John supported importing the drugs before Vitter did but since Vitter put his ideas into a TV spot before John, I guess he owns the issue. Not only will NONE of the candidates touch the gay marriage issue, none of them will touch the Assault Weapons Ban Expiration either (except Arthur Morrell) I don't really care for Johns...Morrell is my favorite and 2nd to that is Kennedy
BTW Welcome to DU Shreddasaurous!
Feel free to join our local grassroots organization called Louisiana Progress Action Network.
http://www.progressactionnetwork.comSelect Forums and set up a username over there so that you can keep track of what we're up to. Last weekend we completed a week long voter registration drive that netted around 1400 registrations. We were covered by two TV news agencies as well as the Times Picayune.