Secretatry of State to support buying optical-scan (SAT-style) ballots, not electronic-voting machines.
Secretary of State's Office
8549 United Plaza Boulevard
Baton Rouge LA 70804-9125
Phone: 225-922-2880
FAX: 225-922-2003
Optical-scan ballots are on paper, and so can be recounted.
They're cheaper than elecronic voting-machines, and many people can fill out an optical-scan ballot at once, speeding lines to vote.
Electronic machines can freeze, or not show all the races.
While voters in Nevada in 2004 got printouts from electronic voting machines, the voters often didn't check the printouts.
When a voter fills out an optical-scan ballot, obviously he's going to check it.
Recent article on Louisiana: careful in voting-machine buying process
Capitol news bureau
Louisiana is preparing to buy $46 million worth of voting machines next year, and voting-machine salesmen are already making their pitches.
Secretary of State Fox McKeithen and other elections officials met informally with representatives from three firms -- some of the giants in the business...
So far, McKeithen said, representatives of Diebold, Sequoia and Acupoll have been in to meet with his senior staff.