Three things that never come back:
the spent arrow; the spoken word;
the lost opportunity.
- W.G.P.
Remember the disappointment of losing the Presidential Election
to what's-his-name?
Remember seeing one of Louisiana's Senate seats lost to
that other what's-his name?
Piss Ya Off?
On Saturday, January 29 there is one election in the entire state of Louisiana. And ours is going to be the winning candidate because of a terrific team of hardworking, organized, kick-ass progressives who have learned our lessons and are applying our best people and the most effective grassroots tools. (And we have the best damned candidate for the job, but more about him later!)
1. We know the things to be done.
2. We've worked hard to reach the voters.
3. We've raised money, walked til our feet were sore, and talked til we were hoarse.
And Saturday is show time.
Chris Daigle, with years of legislative experience as Equality Louisiana's political director and his advocacy of equal rights for women, minorities, and children, is the right person for the Louisiana House of Representatives, District 96. As progressives, we know how many friends we have in the State Capitol; it's not nearly enough.
For weeks now, dozens of volunteers have walked the streets of the Marigny and French Quarter, spreading the word about our amazing candidate. And we've received very positive reinforcement from voters -- they want Chris Daigle to win this race.
But this is a special election. Having ten percent of registered voters show up at the polls would be a high turnout. It's close to Mardi Gras. It's winter time. It might rain. And some may think that their vote doesn't matter. In fact, a vote in this election would be like a hundred votes in a general election.
That's why we need you.
We're never gonna survive unless we go a little crazy.
- Seal
On Saturday, dozens of activists, liberals, progressives, Democrats, Greens, Independents, environmentalists, gays, and straights will be walking with us in a coordinated effort to Get Out the Vote. We have a real field plan that includes the research and canvassing we've worked hard to obtain in the last few weeks.
This election is so important that the Human Rights Campaign has sent three field experts to help. This election is so important that contributions are streaming in from California, Rhode Island, New York, and Illinois. How can those of us in Louisiana, who have been thrown to the street over and over again in our progressive efforts, not make an attempt to help ourselves and our state this Saturday?
This election is so important that I'm directly asking you to join me on Saturday to walk a few blocks, make a few phone calls, and get in on the action. And if you can't do that, I'm going to directly ask you to go to the campaign website and make a contribution.
1. Your help this Saturday will make a real difference in Louisiana politics.
2. Your help this Saturday will make a real difference for women, minorities, children, and all those who have no or little voice in Louisiana government.
3. Your help is the first step toward making the Louisiana Legislature open to the possibility of accepting a true progressive in its ranks.
Now, enough of my blabbing.
Here's how you can help right now: Reply to this E-mail if you can help us on Saturday. If you can only help a few hours, that's great. If you can give us the entire 11 hours, I'll personally rub your feet at the end of the day. (You might want to settle for a drink instead, but hey, I offered!)
Not available on Saturday? Then please forward this E-mail to your friends and consider going to to make a contribution. Every volunteer, every dollar, every good deed is one more step toward victory.
Raise your voice for change! Chris Daigle is running for Louisiana House of Representatives, District 96 (New Orleans). If you'd like to volunteer for or contribute to this important, historic election to be held on Saturday, January 29, please visit