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Apolitical post: Kids, Mardi Gras and N'wawlins

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markus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-31-04 04:57 PM
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Apolitical post: Kids, Mardi Gras and N'wawlins
I am coming back to my first Mardi Gras since 1986 this year, with my 12 year old daughter and nine year old son. I have some enquiries into old friends as to where to go Mardi Gras Day.

Myself, I was in the quarter every single year since I can remember (late 50s/early 60s), but I know that's turned into Drunken Frat Boy/Girls Gone Wild Hell.

So, where are good spots uptown, close enough to downtown to catch Zulu. Access to alcohol (in moderation, at least until Auntie takes the kids home and I head to Marigny) and decent porta's or a bath room, and somewhere I can park and live to tell about it are what I need.

Paying to park and-or-pee is not a problem, within reason.

And, no, may I be struck dead before I would spend Mardi Gras day in Me'try or (shudder) the West Bank.

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Swamp Rat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-02-05 11:14 AM
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1. Depends
You can stay on the Uptown side of the parades (Napoleon/St. Charles) or if you want to see Zulu, it's best to stay Downtown on the other side of Canal. That way you can walk to Basin St. to see Zulu and then walk back to the Marigny. If you are Uptown, you'll have to drive through a lot of traffic to go around the city from the North in order to get to the Marigny. If you decide to stay East of Downtown, then I recommend you bring bicycles to get around - VERY conventient, especially if you want to quickly get home to the bathroom and return quickly to the festivities... I'll be there on my bike too. I sometimes ride my bike from Uptown all the way to the Marigny to play music.

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markus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-02-05 01:38 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. I was hoping to catch teh Magazine or Feret Jet downtown
but I'll have to check the RTA web site.

Autie Pam will take the kidlets home when they're "trucked out" and I will head downtown. I actually want to pass through the quarter, however briefly, just for old time sake. Probably stop off at the Wildlife and Fisheries building to peer through the bars at the old spot.
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funkybutt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 04:14 PM
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3. I'd do this..
Edited on Mon Jan-03-05 04:16 PM by funkybutt
For all the other parades other than Zulu, set up in the general viscinity of Fat Harry's

Within two blocks of this location, there is a church that offers CLEAN port-o-johns for $1. The funds go to the church youth group and the kids actually clean the pots and spray them down between uses. As you're leavign they give you a hand wipe or a squirt of anti-bacterial hand lotion. The best spend dollar at mardi gras. I'll try to find the exact location and repost but getting in this general area should be good. Lots of families in that area set up with their kids up on ladders.

Most of the parades pass this point but Zulu and Endymion do not. For Zulu you could set up in the general area of Jackson and St. Charles (where the parade turns). There are a limited few establishments in this area that provide drinks and restrooms. You'll usually have to buy a drink to get into the restrooms.

This is also an option --> ;)

also bring an ice chest. buying alcohol at the bars takes forever. You could miss a quarter of the parade while waiting to be served.

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