U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe is among the members of Congress who allowed the president to launch this war. She voted for it and even after all that has transpired since March 2003, has yet to call for an immediate withdrawal of the troops. She has announced this year that a new direction must be taken, but this is more than three years and billions of dollars too late.
To her credit, Snowe has parted company with the president on some issues, but the war in Iraq supersedes all other issues. Snowe has failed this test as have most members of Congress, including many Democrats.
This disastrous path can be changed only by electing new members to Congress. Maine has the chance on Nov. 7 to elect someone who will shift the direction Congress has paved during the past four years.
Jean Hay Bright is that candidate. She is little known because she has raised only a small percentage of the money that the incumbent, nationally-recognized senator has amassed. Snowe has been able to run feel-good television advertisements, while Hay Bright’s only opportunity to be seen by a wide audience is the few televised debates.
Hay Bright is not an armchair quarterback, second-guessing elected officials. She voiced opposition to the war before it was launched. She had the vision to see that Iraq was no threat to the United States and that a pre-emptive strike against this country was a horrendous policy to adopt.