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Baldacci up 8 points in SUSA poll, TABOR losing by 9

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ticapnews Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-23-06 09:23 PM
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Baldacci up 8 points in SUSA poll, TABOR losing by 9
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RBInMaine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-23-06 10:40 PM
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1. As people learn about TABOR they are rejecting it !!
This poll confirms other independent polling data information I already had regarding the shrinking support of TABOR in Maine, although there are still many undecideds so it's going to be a NASTY fight to the finish.
(I can see the smoke coming out of Mary Adams ears right now:) )
As people become educated on TABOR, where it really comes from, and that it spells a very bad economic "plan" for Mainers, they are moving away from it. TABOR has been wrapped in
a slick, populist-sounding package from top-to-bottom when within those 23-pages of this "plan" you have an extremely rigid and rigged bag of rotten, right-wing goods. Folks are starting to see this for what it really is. And YES, much has already been done on taxes and there ARE alternatives out there that we CAN and WILL bring in even if they aren't on a competing ballot at the moment.
I suspect the TABOR folks will now abandon their "made-in-Maine" mask and start really reaching into the Howie Rich/Grover Norquist pockets. Like the desperate Woodcock R's they'll probably add to the PAID helpers they already have and will probably bring in some well-paid help from the outside.

The Citizens United IN-STATE grassroots coalition partners have been working the ground pretty hard and will continue to push hard through election day.
If you oppose TABOR, there are MANY ways to help. (Signs, bumper stickers, lit drops, canvasses, phone banking, letters to the editor, emailing/calling people, talking to family-friends-neighbors-co-workers, etc.) Just go to for all the info. NOW LET'S GET OUT THERE AND NAIL THE COFFIN LID SHUT ON TABOR AND THIS AWFUL NATIONAL RIGHT WING AGENDA THAT THESE AWFUL RIGHT WINGERS ARE TRYING TO IMPOSE ON THE GOOD PEOPLE OF MAINE!!

* AND LET's keep the momentum going for Baldacci and all DEMS!! (The national R's are bringing in lots of bucks and people from outside to help elect Chandler "I-lean-so-far-to-the-right-I-almost-fall-over-sideways" Woodcock. Let's give the R's and their right wing allies a good 'ole Maine butt-whooping on November 7th!!
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MaineDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-24-06 06:25 AM
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2. That poll includes the I candidates too
Good news. But we need to be diligent at our GOTV efforts. It'll all come down to who gets their people out by Election Day.

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