The most recent polls have Baldacci garnering 40-45% of the vote, solidly out in front of everyone else. Don't allow what a few individuals say shake your confidence. You have to remember that you need to consider the entire electorate. 30,000+ school kids just gave Baldacci about 40% in their mock election. That tells you what the parents out there are thinking, and rarely are the kids wrong. All of the professional pollsters and political scientists are predicting a Baldacci win. Most Mainers don't want Woodcock, so most who aren't happy with Baldacci will hold their nose and vote for him anyway. Merrill and LaMarche together will take about 25% of the vote. Merrill takes equally from Woodcock and Baldacci. Also remember that Baldacci will win a good number of I's and a healthy number of moderate R's who are familiar with him and can't swallow "Right-Wing-Woodcock." Personally, I think Merrill comes off as a bitchy, nose-in-the-air opportunist. I have heard bad things about both her and her husband in this vein. An old-school Democrat I know who worked for Muskie saw the Merrills campaigning at a football game just this evening. Mr. Merrill told him she was going to win and win BIG. Yeah, keep dreaming pal.