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More than 90 members of Maine Legislature sign letter to Congress opposing troop escalation.

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ticapnews Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-15-07 04:02 PM
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More than 90 members of Maine Legislature sign letter to Congress opposing troop escalation.
Edited on Thu Feb-15-07 04:03 PM by ticapnews

For Immediate Release
Thursday, February 15, 2007

Senator Strimling, Author of the 2003 Iraq Resolution,
Applauds Legislative Letter Opposing Troop Escalation

"Sponsor of 2003 Resolution Against Iraq War Opposes Surge"

AUGUSTA—State Senator Ethan Strimling, D-Cumberland County, today applauded the efforts of more than 90 House and Senate Legislators who signed a letter urging Maine’s Congressional Delegation to oppose troop escalation proposed by President Bush in January.

“I applaud my legislative colleagues for sending a clear message to our congressional delegation,” Senator Strimling said.

“The Iraq War has put an incredible toll on our country, and escalating our military presence is the wrong direction,” Senator Strimling added.

In 2003, Senator Strimling authored a Joint Resolution in the Maine Legislature urging the President to pursue a diplomatic course of action instead of a unilateral invasion.

I am proud of the fact that four years ago we were the first state to go on record opposing the war, even before the bombs fell,” Senator Strimling said.

Senate President Beth Edmonds, D-Cumberland County, who signed onto the current letter and co-sponsored the Iraq Resolution four years ago said, “I am proud that the Maine Senate went on record in 2003 against the war, thanks to the resolution sponsored by Senator Strimling. We were right then, and we are right now.”

The text of the 2003 resolution authored by Senator Strimling:




WE, your Memorialists, the Members of the One Hundred and Twenty-first Legislature of the State of Maine now assembled in the First Regular Session, most respectfully present and petition the President of the United States, as follows:

WHEREAS, there is an urgent need for genuine multilateral action to eliminate weapons of mass destruction worldwide; and

WHEREAS, most governments around the world oppose unilateral action regarding Iraq and support the full pursuit of diplomatic resolutions and weapons inspections before any further military action is taken against Iraq; and

WHEREAS, a war with Iraq will jeopardize the lives of American soldiers and will kill many innocent Iraqi civilians who have already suffered enormously under Saddam Hussein’s rule and sanctions of the United Nations; and

WHEREAS, a United States military attack on Iraq threatens the stability of the Middle East region; and

WHEREAS, military action will likely result in a long-term United States military presence; and

WHEREAS, conflict in the area may result in the widespread destruction of the environment and the civilian infrastructure of Iraq; and

WHEREAS, military expenditures will cause ballooning federal budget deficits, further weakening an already sluggish economy and ensuring reductions in federal aid to the State; and

WHEREAS, the State of Maine is suffering from a fiscal crisis such that its ability to stabilize the taxes of the people of the State is being threatened, and programs that benefit working people and the poor are being threatened by severe budget cuts; and

WHEREAS, it has been estimated that a war in Iraq would likely cost the United States taxpayers over $100 billion which would include $267,000,000 from Maine taxpayers, an that could go a long way to meeting our health and education needs; and

WHEREAS, if the country does go to war, this resolution should in no way be interpreted as not supporting the troops, and We, your Memorialists, stand in full and unwavering support of our brave young men and women of the Armed Forces whenever they are called to action; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED: That We, your Memorialists, respectfully urge and request that the President of the United States support the full pursuit of diplomatic resolutions and weapons inspections; and be it further

RESOLVED: That suitable copies of this resolution, duly authenticated by the Secretary of State, be transmitted to the Honorable George W. Bush, President of the United States, and to each Member of the Maine Congressional Delegation and the Governor of the State of Maine.

Remember when a $100 billion price tag on this war seemed like a lot?
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mile53 Donating Member (113 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-15-07 04:28 PM
Response to Original message
1. Source?
Would you provide a source for this? Thanks.
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ticapnews Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-16-07 12:46 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. I got this via email
But here's the Portland Press Herald story

AUGUSTA - Ninety-two Maine House and Senate Democrats and one independent have signed a letter to Congress expressing concern over the administration's Iraq policy.

Specifically, the letter to Maine's congressional delegation opposes the troop escalation proposed by President Bush in January and now under way.

Meanwhile, in Washington, Republican U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe addressed the effort to hold a Senate debate on a proposed Iraq resolution, urging the Senate to cancel next week's recess in order to discuss what she called the most "monumental issue of our time."

At the State House, Democrats held a news conference on the reasons for the Iraq letter.

"Our letter is a way of saying, it is time to stop," said Rep. Thomas Watson, D-Bath.

"We share the concerns of many prominent leaders in Congress and the armed forces that the president's proposal for troop escalation is not an appropriate measure in bringing an end to America's presence in Iraq," the letter reads.

"We have further concerns about the impact such a move would have on the people of Maine, as the federal budget continues to shift away from vital services for Maine people, and our servicemen and women continue to shoulder a disproportionate weight in service to our country," it said.

The letter drew an immediate thanks from U.S. Rep. Tom Allen, D-Portland.

"This week, while the Senate debate on Iraq remains hamstrung due to the delaying tactics of a minority, the House is holding four days of open debate on a resolution supporting our armed forces and disapproving of the president's escalation plan," Allen said.
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MaineDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-15-07 04:40 PM
Response to Original message
2. I'm surprised it's only 90
I expected more. Let's see how it finally plays out.
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luckyleftyme2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-16-07 09:22 PM
Response to Reply #2
Edited on Fri Feb-16-07 09:23 PM by luckyleftyme2

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Dirtman 1 Donating Member (48 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-17-07 09:23 PM
Response to Original message
5. To be perfectly honest
I think this was a complete waste of time. I expect many may not agree, but our folks sent to Augusta could have just as publicly sent this letter straight from the majority party without taking up legislative time many people in the State believe they should be spending addressing the issues within the state. Just my 2 cents, but while I agree we should be aware and involved with the national issues, we really need our folks in Augusta focused to keep the momentum moving forward.
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crim son Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-17-07 10:12 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. I think a continuation of the war in Iraq does affect Maine
economically and socially, as would a war with Iran. Anything the people can do to paralyze pResident Buh is very important work. That's just my two cents'.
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Dirtman 1 Donating Member (48 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-18-07 08:33 AM
Response to Reply #6
7. Good Morning Crim Son
I do understand your perspective, but I just hope our folks in Augusta spend as much time and energy proritizing and addressing the issues which they more directly control for us here in Maine. Quite frankly, this grabs some headlines but isn't something they directly control.
Things like bringing the costs into line with other surrounding states for taxes, health care, education and etc need to be addressed. Benchmarking our efforts with other states and working toward goals to bring the cost to Maine residents in line with others would be a good start. Actually, I think we may be there on many of the issues others scream about. This needs to be communicated in a way voters understand and for those we are not in line with, we need to make that a priority. Sounds easy, but I know it's not.
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