Winter storm threat may delay many Maine war protests BDN Staff
Saturday, March 17, 2007 - Bangor Daily News
Mainers hoping to participate in the From Every Village Green protest this weekend will
have to wait — in most cases — an extra day because of the anticipated winter storm.
Organizers of the peace protest decided Friday to push events planned for today back one
day in response to the impending snow.
"All the events and times that were planned for Saturday will happen at the same places
and times on Sunday," Ron Greenberg of Bar Harbor, one of the event’s main planners, said Friday.
"We don’t want to take chances. It looks like it’s going to be pretty messy."
The exception appeared to be in Pittsfield, where rally organizer Fran Pratt said the 10 a.m.
gathering and bell ringing at Hathorn Park will go on as planned Saturday. He said it would be
too complicated to cancel it, even though attendance may be limited, because of conflicting events
in Pittsfield on Sunday. For more information, Pratt may be reached at 487-4643.Events have been planned in more than 100 communities throughout Maine to coincide with
the fourth anniversary of the Iraq war.
The campaign has attracted attention from war protesters around the nation who hope to adapt
the Maine-grown strategy to their states.
For a list of events throughout the state, visit the Web site at