How dare you question my patriotism;you that has never served;you that has never got that e-mail,that call that another relative has been maimed in the line of duty. My latest came yesterday.And yes he's following the family tradition.His dad was a marine and so is he;yup u guessed it his humvee was blown up; his arm and leg mangled for life;19 and now crippled for life. for what? no I don't support the war;never have;reason it was foolish at best;all the experts warned this administration not to get into a ground war in IRAQ. WHO WAS RIGHT? SURELY NOT THE MAN WHO HAS FAILED IN EVERY ENDEAVOR HE HAS EVER UNDERTAKEN. Yes we have a mess over there;one we created. a mistake we either can't or won't correct. I'M a patriot,I love this country and am tired of hearing those who never served lead us down the golden path of misery.I'm tired of the lies and cover ups,yes their are still Humvee that do not have enough protection,yes they are used on stupid patrols that have no use.Of course blunders are still made daily,it takes time to see the light!Of course the enlisted man have made suggestions to avoid certain routes but nothing is done! and who suffers? the soldiers and their families!