Maine Democratic Party Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SUNDAY, AUG. 12, 2007
AUGUSTA - The Democratic State Committee (DSC) today elected John Knutson of Brooklin to serve as Chairman of the Maine Democratic Party effective today. Knutson is serving in a volunteer capacity.
Knutson said he is committed to electing Democrats on all levels with aggressive grassroots and fundraising activities. "I will help the counties develop strong grassroots campaign organizations and enhance the state party's effectiveness," he said.
Knutson said he is committed to electing Democrats on all levels with aggressive grassroots and fundraising activities. "I will develop strong grassroots campaign organizations in each county and to enhance the state party's effectiveness."
A retired insurance executive, Knutson has most recently chaired the Hancock County Democratic Committee (HCDC) as well as the Caucus of County Chairs.
He and his wife, Margaret, are both Democratic activists, initiating successful projects to boost voter participation. Knutson is a graduate of Brown University.
Under Knutson's leadership, the average annual budget for HCDC grew from $5,000 to more than $30,000 and dramatically increased Democratic performance in the county with a complete volunteer staff.
Knutson fills the position vacated by Ben Dudley, who recently became executive director of the Maine Blueprint Project. Knutson's term ends January 2009.