with "dubya" continuing on his "stay the course" and things not improving in IRAQ,THE ECONOMY HEADED SOUTH WITH THE PRICE INCREASES ON DURABLE GOODS AND FUEL.His top public relations man gone,his poor choice of atty. general,another republican senator spieling hate and getting caught not walking the walk,a respected senator from virgina retiring it certainly makes our job as democrats easier getting our candidates elected. we need to send a message to the belt way that business no longer controls our lives. that corruption,ineptness,wasteful folly with our hard earned tax dollars is no longer acceptable.but most of all complete unawareness of the veterans plight is not forgivable when your on the committee. my grand nephew is at "walter reed" he now has had his leg amputated below the knee. he was 19 when he was wounded. you bet i'm going to work to make sure allen wins in 2008,you bet i'm going to put in some one who doesn't just talk ,but will work to help our veterans. the list:rove gonzales craig warner lets add: collins snowe come on "MAINERS" LETS WORK OUR TAILS OFF!