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think this one out

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Home » Discuss » Places » Maine Donate to DU
luckyleftyme2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-08-07 11:38 AM
Original message
think this one out

we have people who receive supplements for oil;these are elderly or low income families.
the supplement is Funded by the federal gov't.
In order to make this supplement go father the administrator has ask the oil dealers to
give an additional discount to the buyer.
Is this smart thinking on the administrators part? especially since the careless administration we have in office has cut every program that benefits the populace to relieve
taxes on the upper 5%.
Now let me tell you what the oil companies do to entice business,they give you up to .50 cents a gallon discount for cash payment. this tells me that on a price of $2.oo a gallon
for oil they surely can afford a 6% discount which amounts to .12 cents.
Now I think that oil bill has to be paid for the low income supplement to be paid.
so if this is true that sounds like a guarantee of the dealer to receive his money.
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Deep Thinker Donating Member (26 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-09-07 07:31 PM
Response to Original message
1. Hey Lucky
I ran into ray richardson the other day while serving at the soup kitchen we both work at. I told him about you. I told him you post here a lot about him. He said he gets emails every now and then about what you have written and if they include a link, he reads your comments.

He finds it flattering that you care what he says (truth is, from the way he acts around me, I think he is surprised anyone cares). He said he has read enough of your posts to know that you care deeply about Maine and the nation. He also said he wanted me to tell you that he appreciates your family's sacrifice in the Iraq War and is praying for your relative and their recovery.

I asked him why he thought is was a bad idea for MSHA to require a discount to serve LIHEAP customers. He said it hurt the little guy who sells the oil, not EXXON, and they will simply have to pass on the loss to the other non-LIHEAP customers to cover their costs. Is that true? My wife and I combined make a little over 60K and we are wondering how we are going to fill our tank in January. I am all for helping our neighbor, but they are getting their oil paid for. I am not. We live modestly, are on DIRIGO and are having a hard time making ends meet with the high gas prices.

What do those of us who don't qualify for LIHEAP suppose to do?
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luckyleftyme2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-10-07 07:45 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. this is what I THINK
Edited on Mon Sep-10-07 07:54 AM by luckyleftyme2
I THINK THAT any one who is qualified to receive aid from the fuel program should get it at the best price going.
I think that anyone who is making the profit per gallon that these so called small dealers are making are not hurting.Now I know several small dealers in the area I live in.
I also know several people who work for small dealers. unlike your friend I know first hand
that this really isn't a burden for the dealer;nor is it likely the lowest price they will
will be selling their product for.(FOR THE SLOW of wit) they will have other customers that buy at a lower price. this is called competition!
much like the drug deal president bush made with the drug companies,I find his side of this oil pricing deal in the same realm.
perhaps my ticket at the sea dogs game wouldn't cost so much if he paid and others paid
the full price.(same idea just a different venue)
could you talk him into pushing this-I doubt it! you see if you believe in lowering taxes,making better living conditions and a better state to live in that will keep our youth here you can't side with business 100% of the time cuz they lie! get greedy,price fix,and when they are together they laugh at how much profit they make.
every day oil companies call each other asking what they are selling for.(ya the little guy)
they also call this price fixing,but nothing is done about it.
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luckyleftyme2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-10-07 09:25 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. a little humor

referring to the soup kitchen bit:
some people will work for food
some people will do anything for a free ride
some people like me donate the food!
the difference is my son's father in law when alive done much for his church and their soup kitchen. I had a garden,and often donated veggies. I also would buy potatoes at bell farm and donate them.Or I gave money anon.
If I was a judge I would say people give in many ways,but what matters is if it comes from the heart,without an inkling of increasing your stature for personal gain it is a true sign of caring for mankind! otherwise I can't print it!
ever wonder where that hundred dollar bill came from in the salvation army bucket at xmas time;
for 21 years I know where one came from!
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