I left the state govt.employment in 1976,at this time we had a state employees association. It was called the msea. and it collected dues. and at that time this controversy about paying your fair share was going on. Without this bargaining unit governor reed would not have brought the wages out of the dark ages.(I would suggest that mr know nothing do a little research and do his homework instead of preaching his hatred) link:1964 portland press,bangor daily new,lewiston daily sun,waterville sentinel archives. are just a few. yes their was negative employees at the time,some called them freeloaders,most of them spent more time complaining than working. yes they usually had a common back ground. yes they were asked to contribute to the msea. I was salary and this organization helped bring my pay and others to a compatible wage of private employers. my wages doubled in 3 years,and so did many others. yet I was offered A JOB WITH A MAINE CONTRACTOR DOING THE SAME WORK AT A $100 A WEEK MORE THAN I WAS MAKING WITH THE STATE.(MY WORK WEEK WAS AVG. 56 HOURS A WEEK =5 TEN HOUR DAYS AND SIX HOURS ON SAT.) My point is this argument has been going on for over 50 years,so the part about being grandfathered is b.s. a fair share has always been expected. and it has been suggested before that those who don't contribute should not benefit but go on their own. and you all know that means a free ride! fire their butts!