Edited on Mon Oct-01-07 02:51 PM by luckyleftyme2
they have achieved office by deceit, touting smaller govt.,less taxes,the nra and christian values. once they attain office its overspending,tax cuts for the wealthy and corrupt morals. that doesn't include false wars,corrupt contracts,enron,several lobbyists now on trail and the list goes on. what they have accomplished in 7 years is to cause my property tax to almost double(because of shedding federal responsibility),almost bankrupting all state governments,got us in a war that is bankrupting the country.caused the price of beef,chicken and pork to sky rocket.produce is out of sight,apples are $0.99 a pound. kept the wages as low as they could! but most of all they have raised the price of heating oil from $0.719 in oct of 2000 to $2.699 oct 1 2007 the price of gas from $0.799 on oct1, 2000 to $2.799 on oct 1 2007. the avg wage scale in the area has increased approx $1.00 in 7 years the avg household has 2 vehicles and drive approx 22000 miles (thats conservative) 22000 divided by 16(avg mileage of both vehicles)=1375 gal. 1375 x$.799= $1098.62 gas for 2000 1375 x$2.799= $3848.62 for 2007 $3848.62-$ 109.62 is a diff of $2750 that alone takes your raise. the avg person working 40 hours works 2080 hours so now your out $670 more than your raise and thats clear money not counting what you lost for taxes. the avg family uses 1300 gals. of heating oil a year $0.719 x 1300= $934.70 in 2000 $2.699x 1300= $3508.70 in 2007 a diff of$2574 the oil companies are making record profits,the farmer gets $12 a bushel for apples. do you think maybe corporations profits are out of control? do you feel like the publics pocket is being picked by big business?
I wonder if a business man feels when he buys his vendor license that he thinks his moral value stays home and he thinks that license gives him the right to rob the public blind!