well they are trying one more time to get a racino in washington county. My feeling is they need some kind of economic engine in that area. the mainstay of that area is the paper mill in baileyville(its in trouble) and the blueberry fields.of course their is other small enties but they depend mostly on the above. for years we have heard east west highway,new businesses,economic seed money;WELL WHERE THE HELL IS IT? 20 YEARS PLUS HAS GONE BY AND WE'RE STILL WAITING. now these do gooders know it alls don't want gambling,but outside of hot air they have done little to none for an alternative. where will the people come from to support the racino? both maine and new brunswick! THATS WHERE. its time we moved into the 21st century,many of our residents already go to other states to gamble. that big bingo game at indian island done wonders for that area. you know whats the difference a business who makes a 1000% mark up is still taking our money. I'd like to see a prosperous industry move in,but in the mean time lets try the racino. it's the only player trying to get in! and if it doesn't work out it will wither and die!like a strip mall!