Very, very doubtful Gore would, or should get in. At this late juncture it would be seen very much as opportunism in the wake of the Nobel, and so many votes and resources are already committed to other candidates. Gore has won an Oscar and the Nobel. Bigtime Kudos which speak very well of our side. First Carter, now Gore to win the Nobel within just a few years. Gore is in his element, doing a great job on the cause of his life. Why should he risk ruining that by entering the presidential race late and very possibly not being able to win? That would be a huge error. He should stay put and keep working on his main issue, and I think he will. We need him there. The presidential field is fine as is. Objectively, Gore really brings little new to the table on issues outside of the global warming. Now, as to our candidates, I remain for Edwards right now as I think he'd have the best chance in the general election, but Hillary runs a close second with me and if she wins the nomination (she'll be a hard train to stop) then we better roll up our sleeves and work overtime to get her elected as we can in no way stand one more second of ReThuglican rule after Bobble-Head leaves office. And make no mistake, with a tough and focused AGGRESSIVE campaign, Hillary CAN win!