Due to the oil prices, it's understandable that it's costing more for food...We seem to be getting it from all sides in Maine, heating oil, gas (for us rural folks that's hurting BAD...even with my Ford Focus, I'm going through $35-$40 a week in gas as I have a 35 mile drive to work), and now food and other necessities...We do a LOT of comparison shopping, and load up when things we like are on sale (i.e. the chicken breasts...we bought 10 pounds last week at the $1.79 price).
I truly agree on Susan Collins...we have an excellent candidate in Tom Allen, and she can definitely be beat (just put up her lies about her term limits, lying about not supporting Bush when she takes the Republican Party line every time, etc. and people here will vote her out).
I've always been economically conservative (i.e. if you don't have it, DON'T SPEND IT!), and socially liberal. Talk about the exact opposite residing in the white house...