Edited on Tue Dec-18-07 07:35 PM by luckyleftyme2
Sorry I hate to harp on this subject but I just saw and article posted by the editor which is blatantly out of text.(AS MAINE GOES) he states that all canadians will pay $9oo premium for health care. if you read below his bold lie line: you will see some canadian tax payers may have to pay a $900 premium. like he so often does,he either doesn't research or hides the facts. I suggest you google this link: Ontario health tax you will find out that only a single tax payer making $200,000 and over a year will pay this. anyone earning less than $43,000 a year with a family pay none. in fact if you look at the income tax on the same page you will find out they pay less taxes than we do. it also shows that a family of 2 pay $1100+/- and a family 3 or more pay $1250+/- AND BEST OF ALL THIS IS YEARLY NOT MONTHLY: IS ANY WONDER THAT THIS EDITOR HAS BEEN THE SUBJECT OF REBUTTAL MANY TIMES. THE AVERAGE FAMILY PLAN FOR 80% COVERAGE IN THE STATE OF MAINE IS $900 PER MONTH! SO THE NEXT TIME THESE PILLARS OF SOCIETY TELL YOU WE'RE BETTER OFF THAN CANADIANS ASK THEM TO PROVE IT! YOU CAN USE GOOGLE TO CK OUT HOW OUR WAIT TIME,AND HEALTH CARE COMPARE TO THEIRS; YOU WILL FIND OUT OURS IS SECOND AT BEST! AND THAT ISN'T INCLUDING THE PRICE OF COVERAGE. it would do this state well if they were flooded with e-mails demanding he correct his facts. think about it,tabor how much did that cost us,the school move,just a jumble mess that may cost more. constant flack with no plan to administer! hell I use to see these guys on soap boxes on sat. nites in st. stephens,my family called them rebel rousers. Of course my uncle had 5 boys in the canadian forces and his favorite saying to me was "canada is supplying the blood and guts" and you americans the weapons! don't forget the buck is what lead many away from their orginal goal! heres the tax with no excemptions. this is for a single tax payer making $45,000 per year. in come tax from ontario tax table=$8,599 per year health ins.=$470 per year total without exemptions $9o69 man thats a 7,000 raise in take home from ours. p.s. for those of you that don't know most canadians make more per hour !