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"No deadlines in Iraq, says Collins"

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mainegreen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-04-08 07:42 PM
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"No deadlines in Iraq, says Collins"

Maine Sen. Susan Collins visits the state, along with a key Iraq reconstruction overseer.
By JONATHAN E. KAPLAN Washington D.C. Correspondent

Sen. Susan Collins of Maine sharpened the distinction with her opponent in this year's election, Rep. Tom Allen, noting on Thursday that she remains opposed to any deadlines for withdrawing troops from Iraq.

Collins has been less willing than fellow Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe and Democratic Reps. Allen and Michael Michaud to criticize President Bush's handling of the war and support legislation requiring the withdrawal of troops by a certain date.


"We should start transitioning the mission now. We should have started already," Collins said, adding that troops should remain in Iraq for counter-terrorism missions, to protect American personnel, to help protect Iraq's borders and to train Iraqi soldiers.


Allen supports a "responsible deadline to bring our troops home," said Valerie Martin, Allen's campaign manager, adding that it is the "only way to force Bush to change course in Iraq and put pressure on the Iraqis" to assume responsibility for security.
"Susan Collins' position amounts to a re-labeling of the job troops have," Martin said. "We need a firm deadline to bring our troops home. It's a significant distinction."

It's a significant distinction indeed.

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asteroid2003QQ47 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-05-08 07:09 AM
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1. Deadlines are not her forte!
"I just didn't think I could back away from the (term limits) commitment. It is a matter of integrity and keeping your commitments. I have never wavered on that, the people placed their trust in me based on a promise I made to them and I am honoring that promise. In an age when promises are cast away as quickly as yesterday's newspaper, I believe a promise made should be a promise kept."
Silly Susan? Nope!

It does refer to the identical two-term-limit pledge Silly Susan made though, the above quote actually belongs to Republican Senator Wayne Allard of Colorado.
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Maine-ah Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-05-08 07:29 AM
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2. it would be nice if our representatives
would actually represent us. It's long past time to get the hell out of there, we should never have been there in the first place.
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