Dream baby got me dreamin' sweet dreams night time too
I love you and I'm dreaming of you but that won't do
Dream baby make me stop my dreamin', you can make my dreams come true
"Who Do We Vote For This Time Around? A Letter from Michael Moore"
Barack Obama is a good and inspiring man. What a breath of fresh air! There's no doubting his sincerity or his commitment to trying to straighten things out in this country. But who is he? I mean, other than a guy who gives a great speech? How much do any of us really know about him? I know he was against the war. How do I know that? He gave a speech before the war started. But since he joined the senate, he has voted for the funds for the war, while at the same time saying we should get out. He says he's for the little guy, but then he votes for a corporate-backed bill to make it harder for the little guy to file a class action suit when his kid swallows lead paint from a Chinese-made toy. In fact, Obama doesn't think Wall Street is a bad place. He wants the insurance companies to help us develop a new health care plan -- the same companies who have created the mess in the first place. He's such a feel-good kinda guy, I get the sense that, if elected, the Republicans will eat him for breakfast. He won't even have time to make a good speech about it.
But this may be a bit harsh. Senator Obama has a big heart, and that heart is in the right place. Is he electable? Will more than 50% of America vote for him? We'd like to believe they would. We'd like to believe America has changed, wouldn't we? Obama lets us feel better about ourselves -- and as we look out the window at the guy snowplowing his driveway across the street, we want to believe he's changed, too. But are we dreaming?
Aww, sweet dream baby (dream baby ah-huh-huh)
Yeah, yeah, swee-ee-et dream baby (dream baby ah-huh-huh)
Sweet dream baby (dream baby ah-huh-huh)
How long must I dream
Looks like none of us dream alone, RBInMaine