“Sweet Peace” Open House Jan. 12
Let’s come together in the new year to celebrate the 20th year of our work for peace & justice. You are invited to the Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine “Sweet Peace” Open House, Saturday, January 12th, 4-6 p.m., 170 Park Street, Bangor. Come and enjoy chocolate and other sweet desserts, fruit, cheese and snacks. Bring your children to make origami peace doves, create posters for the Martin Luther King commemoration and join in a sing-along for children of all ages. There will be a showing of photos of past peace & justice actions and events and an opportunity to chat with other peace & justice members and to learn about ways you can be involved in helping to grow peace in our region. Whether you are a long time member or just becoming involved, whether you are young, old or somewhere in between, we look forward to spending time with you and talking about how we can keep the Center going and growing.