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Caucuses versus primaries

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Shorebound Donating Member (276 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-29-08 09:24 AM
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Caucuses versus primaries
Edited on Tue Jan-29-08 09:24 AM by Shorebound
Just got an e-mail about the local Dem caucus next month. We can send in absentee ballots, too, which strikes me as convenient. But it raised a question for me. why doesn't Maine have a primary election for president? We have primaries for other candidates. Seems to me that we'd see more people participating, and it would eliminate accusations that caucuses keep the nominating process under the control of a relative handful of core party members.

Does anyone know the history or reasoning behind this?
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mainegreen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-29-08 09:59 AM
Response to Original message
1. Damned if I know. Didn't we just switch back recently from primaries..
to caucuses?
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luckyleftyme2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-29-08 12:20 PM
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2. I think you may

I think you may have answered your own question. to help keep control in the hands in the core members. next time you go see how many get to voice their opinions.
the kow tow system works well in small communities.
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asteroid2003QQ47 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-29-08 12:30 PM
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3. Does this help?

Caucuses not good substitute for primaries


We want a presidential primary in Maine. And we want it early enough to be a small factor in the final outcome.

For most of its political history, Maine has relied on political-party caucuses at the local level to determine the state's presidential nominees. That changed in the 1990s, when Maine switched to a two-tier system of holding a statewide primary election for president, but also holding party caucuses. After two election cycles using that approach, the pure caucus system was reinstated in 2004.
Maine can, and should, do better. Yes, it's true that all registered voters in Maine are eligible to attend the upcoming caucuses, and we encourage them to do so. The caucus system is not a closed process; it's just an inconvenient one. Because of the time required to participate in a caucus, most Maine voters will not do so.
It is true that Maine has a long history of nominating its presidential candidates through party caucuses. But this primary season calls that into question.
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Shorebound Donating Member (276 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-29-08 12:45 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. Thanks, 'Roid
I must say I agree with the editorial. We Dems are supposed to be about openness and maximum inclusion, and it seems to me that the caucus system violates those principles.
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luckyleftyme2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-29-08 11:46 PM
Response to Reply #4

If you go to a small caucus a few dominate it. but it will take a huge effort to change over.
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