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Maine can do better petition: stop the budgets cuts where they hurt most

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GreenPartyVoter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-06-08 02:47 PM
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Maine can do better petition: stop the budgets cuts where they hurt most
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Angsty Donating Member (52 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-07-08 02:09 PM
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1. Ummm...
According to the "Here's how Maine Can Do Better!" section, we can basically do better by doing nothing? Just keep on spending more and increasing taxes every year? I'm underwhelmed. :eyes:
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high density Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-11-08 09:19 AM
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2. We NEED to cut stuff
Mainers are taxed out.
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sandyd921 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-15-08 05:18 PM
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3. Done!
Thanks GreenPartyVoter. Unfortunately lots of folks who have not yet needed the kinds of services that will be cut tend to have a rather short-sighted view of the effects of eliminating these services and supports. They also fail to see how many of these cuts will come back to bite us in the form of more expensive alternatives such as emergency room visits instead of preventive health services.

It's getting pretty depressing having to continually fend off these cuts to essential services and funding in our state (and all across the US) as the toll of eight years of federal cuts and screwing with our economy continues to grind us all down. :cry:
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westcoastflea Donating Member (1 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-18-08 12:25 PM
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4. taxes too high money is wasted
taxes should be used to help maine citizens, period.

if maine cant afford education, medical care for those who cannot afford it, etc etc then it needs to stop wasting the money that its citizens work hard for.

spoke with someone who used to work for city, he said thousands of flower bulbs are purchased and planted each year in the parks, because some of them might not come up after the winter and gaps might be left in the plantings.

same person said several mill was spent on the old stone building in deering oaks.

im kicked off mainecare because they have to cut costs.
im self employed, work very very hard and cant afford insurance or medical care.

dental?? thats a joke, when dentists are averaging 4-$500.00 an hour.

i know my medical costs this year to the state might have been 600.00,that would have covered prescription, yearly exam and one illness, yet the state cant afford that??
they spent 120,000 on a fountain in deering oaks, for gods sake, yet have to make more cuts in basic services?

way too many police officers in falmouth

the public buildings in falmouth town hall being one example are much nicer than many peoples homes.

how about the road out to cousins island? both sides were torn up and then grass was planted.
what did that cost?

elected officials need to realize that bigger, newer, better is not the answer when basic services and needs are not being met.
education, health care, should be top priority when it comes to spending tax dollars.

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