PLEASE SUPPORT your local candidate and donate before they ask.
The Maine Clean Election Act (MCEA) established a voluntary program of full public financing of political campaigns for candidates running for Governor, State Senator, and State Representative. Maine voters passed the MCEA as a citizen initiative in 1996. Candidates who choose to participate may accept very limited private contributions at the beginning of their campaigns (seed money contributions). To become eligible, candidates must demonstrate community support through collecting a minimum number of $5 checks or money orders payable to the Maine Clean Election Fund (qualifying contributions). After a candidate begins to receive MCEA funds from the State, he or she cannot accept private contributions, and almost all goods and services received must be paid for with MCEA funds.
1. Go to **.
2. Look for “*ONLINE SERVICES*” in the list of links on the left hand side TOP of the screen,
and on the next screen select “ Qualifying Contributions for Maine Clean Election Act Candidates"
3. This will bring you to the first step to make an online qualifying contribution.
4. At the bottom of the screen, choose “*Make a Contribution to a Candidate” and click “GO*.”