Someone was at a meeting I was at talking about it. Here is the link and some info: Oil/K-1 Discount for Dem Corps Members
A lot of collective purchasing power is created when people join as a group to buy products and services. When you join us and become a member of Dem Corps, one of the member benefits is an opportunity to purchase home heating oil or K-1 at group discounted prices, subject of course to certain restrictions, limitations, and availability. Families typically find themselves saving hundreds of dollars on fuel over what they may pay elsewhere for a comparable plan. This page explains how our program works. Please read this over and contact if any questions remain or to offer to help bring this benefit to your town.
How it Works (the Basics):
You become a member of Dem Corps by clicking on the JOIN and/or DONATE tab, following the instructions and raising or making the requested donation of $35 or more to Dem Corps. You help spread the word in your area, and Dem Corps provides the organizational support and solicits bids from reliable oil dealers to serve the region. Dem Corps volunteers will then send to our members the details of the best offer we found for home heating oil and K-1. The oil dealer with the winning bid gets our membership list and sends out contract offers. If you like the company and the terms, you can choose to accept the offer, return the signed contract and pay the oil dealer directly; or if not satisfied, you can choose to decline the offer and take your fuel business elsewhere. In any case, your support of Dem Corps will help our group grow and help fund our various community programs.
Restrictions, Limitations, and Availability (So there is no confusion, please read carefully):
Last year the group discount was available for York, Cumberland, Androscoggin, Kennebec and Sagadahoc Counties. This year with your support we hope to extend the benefit region all the way up the coast to Hancock County and the Bangor area or perhaps even beyond. You can make it happen by spreading the word and helping to sign up enough Dem Corps members to warrant an offer from an oil dealer for you region.
We will ask for bids for a fixed pre-pay plan, a fixed budget plan, and a capped price plan with downside protection, but not all plans are available from all dealers each year.
The Home Heating Oil/K-1 Group Discount is a benefit restricted to members of Dem Corps.
Additionally, it is limited to those members using a minimum of 500 gallons of fuel a year.
Your contract will be directly with the oil dealer, who retains the right to refuse customers for a payment plan if they are not deemed credit worthy.
While we will be working together to get the very best deal from a reliable oil dealer there is no guarantee that we can beat every deal that is offered throughout the region.
You are not bound to make the purchase until you sign the contract with the dealer. If you are not satisfied with the oil dealer's offer do not accept it.
All other things being equal we will choose to stay with the past year's chosen oil dealer to avoid a needless change for all of us.
You can have your furnace serviced by a party other than the chosen oil dealer, but be aware that your oil dealer will naturally be motivated to keep your furnace running through a cold Maine winter.
No donations to Dem Corps will be returned for any reason.
In the event of much broader war, oil crisis, or other unanticipated circumstance that prevents Dem Corps from being able to get what we feel is a reasonable offer from a reliable oil dealer for your area, your membership will automatically be extended for an additional year and we will try again.
The group discount only applies to the oil dealer whose bid we accept. While not prohibited, it is considered bad practice for members to ask another dealer to match our group discount, or for other oil dealers to try to draw off customers after they have had a chance to bid a group discount. Please remember that our only economic strength is in working collectively as a group.
The more we grow the more that we can do for the community and the more benefits we can gain. So please invite friends, relatives and coworkers sharing our values to join our new movement.
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