The Employee Free Choice Act, when enacted, will restore balance between corporate power brokers and workers trying to form unions.
Right now, corporations have ALL the power—
Corporations decide how workers will form their union.
Corporations illegally fire workers for supporting a union.
Corporations force workers into intimidation meetings with supervisors.
Corporations threaten to shut down if workers unionize.
Corporations delay contract negotiations.
And corporate fines for violating our rights are so insignificant that these fines are treated as just a regular cost of doing business. And as a result, 60 million workers who want to join unions cannot. Which means millions of working men and women are intentionally denied the higher wages and better benefits that come with a union card—and America’s middle class dwindles.
The Employee Free Choice Act isn’t complicated. It would enable workers to choose for themselves whether to form a union by majority sign-up or through a National Labor Relations Board election. It would strengthen penalties when corporations trample the rights of workers trying to organize and bargain. And it would ensure that once workers form a union, the company can’t indefinitely delay reaching a contract.
With wages stagnating, prices rising, health and pension benefits disappearing and the middle class shrinking, what could be more important than giving every working man and woman a fair chance to bargain for a better life?