(PORTLAND, MAINE) - Busy phone lines all over the state tonight helped the Maine Democrats surpass the 1 million dials mark, sign of the unprecedented grassroots organization that the Dems have built to win the 2008 election. The milestone came on the same night that several of the campaign's 32 offices statewide were sponsoring Under-18 call nights for young Democratic activists around Maine who aren't even old enough to vote yet.
"It's very likely that the 1 millionth call was made by a young person so inspired to help change the direction of this country that they came out to volunteer even though they're not yet old enough to vote," said Rebecca Pollard, communications director for the Maine Democratic Party. Pollard said the unprecedented level of outreach was made possible by the close to 4,000 volunteers recruited thus far to help elect Democrats up and down the ticket. "We started making phone calls in April, first to recruit volunteers and then to talk to potential voters about the election. From there, things just snowballed. We can't overstate the role of the volunteers in reaching this goal. And for those who haven't yet volunteered, there's no time like now." Volunteers talk to Mainers about their candidate preferences for the Presidency, U.S. Senate, U.S. House, and the State Legislature. With a population of approximately 1.3 million, Maine Dems have already attempted to reach a vast majority of the population. "We are quite certain this is a feat no campaign in Maine history has ever accomplished before this year," Pollard said. "It's clearly a change election, and Mainers all over the state are working night and day to help our candidates deliver that message."