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Rep. Michaud sold us out. This time it's on net Neutrality

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GreenPartyVoter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-20-09 09:20 AM
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Rep. Michaud sold us out. This time it's on net Neutrality
Sometimes politicians need to be reminded whom they really work for. Now is one of those times.

On Friday, Rep. Michael Michaud put the interests of telecom lobbyists ahead of yours by signing a letter to the FCC opposing the agency's efforts to protect Net Neutrality. Rep. Michaud was hoping we wouldn’t notice this deception. Well, we did. Congress was elected to represent you, not AT&T. Send the FCC a Message: Rep. Michaud Doesn’t Speak for Me

We’re gathering 10,000 signatures from constituents of Rep. Michaud and other representatives who buckled to telecom industry pressure. We need you to send the FCC an urgent message of support for Net Neutrality.

Sign this letter and then tell your friends and neighbors to do the same:

The big phone and cable companies have launched an all-out assault to stop Net Neutrality. They've hired hundreds of lobbyists, spent tens of millions of dollars, and unleashed sleazy Astroturf groups to mislead politicians, distort the facts and resurrect long-debunked myths.

They’re scrambling to stop the FCC from even beginning to discuss rules to make Net Neutrality the rule of the road. It's vitally important that the FCC take up this action to protect Net Neutrality as planned.

Tell the FCC to Stand Firm on Net Neutrality

Some members of Congress aren’t listening to the people they represent. We must remind them whom they really work for. Let’s send them a strong message today, and guarantee an open Internet for generations to come.

Thank you,

Misty Perez Truedson
Campaign Manager
Free Press
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sandyd921 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-23-09 07:38 PM
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1. Signed and not surprising
Michaud disappoints far more frequently than I am comfortable with. He's also listed as "undecided" on the robust version of the public option:

I suggest that folks keep his phones ringing on the public option.

Ever since his vote in favor of the horrible credit industry-backed bankruptcy bill I've tried to monitor his votes. On some things he has been persuadable to do the right thing (for example, voting against funding the Iraq occupation) but too often he goes the wrong way on issues that matter to me and other progressives.

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